Share Rates

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The rates below were paid on the effective date listed. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change as determined by the credit union Board of Directors. Rates are variable may change after account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings. Money Market and Share accounts are subject to withdrawal fee for each account debit after 6 per month.
Monthly (12/31/2024) Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Money Market (Average Daily Bal.)
$0 - $1,999.99 0% 0%
$2,000 - $9,999.99 3.000% 3.042%
$10,000 - $24,999.99 3.100% 3.144%
$25,000 - $74,999.99 3.250% 3.299%
$75,000 - over 3.500% 3.557%
Interest Checking Account 0.010% 0.010%
Quarterly (12/31/24) Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Share Savings Account (Including Elite Club)
$100 - $999.99 0.25% 0.25%
$1,000 - $4,999.99 0.35% 0.35%
$5,000 - $9,999.99 0.55% 0.551%
$10,000 and over 0.85% 0.853%
Kids Club Account 0.25% 0.25%
Quarterly Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Christmas Club Account 0.250% 0.250%
Vacation Club Account 0.250% 0.250%
Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6-month certificate Not offered at this time.
Not offered at this time.
12-month certificate

Please see our Fee Schedule for any applicable fees or contact us for more information about our share rates.

An early withdrawal penalty will or may be imposed.

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